
auto select中文什么意思

发音:   用"auto select"造句


  1. The induction of ais technology still ca n ' t integrated with the devices of old system satisfactorily , the data of ais is only shown on the electronic chart background in ecdis , but does n ' t fulfill the fusion with the data of radar . more , some system functions related with display and interface still need be perfected , such as quickly moving , auto select chart , static information associate with target display , etc . the integrated information processing and display system researched in this thesis has been successfully applied in some vts projects and related projects , such as cheng - dao oil field survey system , yan - tai mount vts rebuild project etc . to the disadvantage exposed to us in national and foreign vts system , and those putted up in application projects , the thesis did a farther study and consummation , and acquired some research fruits , as follows : 1 . fulfilled the eagle eye function in electronic chart display system
    针对目前国内外vts系统中暴露出的薄弱点,以及应用实践中表现出的不足本文对综合信息处理与显示系统做了进一步的研究和完善,取得了以下的研究成果: 1 、电子海图显示系统中鹰眼图的功能设置与实现; 2 、设计一种简易的选图算法,通过该算法实现可在海图放大、缩小时的自动选图; 3 、电子海图上自动录取区的实现(二次自动录取) ; 4 、实现对雷达和ais目标数据及其误差的软件仿真; 5 、船舶自动识别系统中动态信息与雷达动态信息的数据融合处理; 6 、利用数据融合技术解决雷达目标跟踪方面的问题; 7 、海图空间信息中显示区域裁减算法的设计,该模块的实现大幅度提高了海图的显示速度。
  2. The system of new type intelligent instrument " amalgamates the technology of computer , communication , and control . it has open communication and intelligent measurement & control interface ; and it can take self - validate of test results , realizes auto select measure word in special environments


        auto:    n. (pl. autos) 〔美口〕汽车。 vi. 坐 ...
        select:    vt. 选;选择;挑选;选拔。 Her father l ...
        auto select animated:    自动选择动画
        auto select position:    自动选择位置
        auto select rotation:    自动选择旋转
        auto select scale:    自动选择缩放
        auto select xyz components:    自动选择坐标组成
        no select:    没有选择
        select:    vt. 选;选择;挑选;选拔。 Her father let her select her own birthday present. 她的父亲让她自己挑选生日礼品。 vi. 挑选,选择。 adj. 1.挑选出来的;精选的;极好的。 2.〔口语〕爱挑三拣四的;挑剔的。 3.苛择的;入会条件苛刻的。 a select crew 一批精选的水手。 be select in choosing one's friends 择友谨慎。 select wines 精选的酒。 n. 1.〔口语〕精选品;顶好的货色。 2. 〔常 pl.〕被挑选者。
        select by:    参考选择; 选择方式
        auto:    n. (pl. autos) 〔美口〕汽车。 vi. 坐汽车。
        auto-:     comb. f. 1.自,自己,自身: autobiography. 2.自动: autoalarm. 3.汽车: autocade.
        auto-by:    摩托车
        automatic select:    自动选择
        band select:    波段选择
        bank select:    触排选择; 存储体选择; 音色库选择
        ch select:    通道选择
        chip select:    芯片选择; 组件选通
        clk-select:    时钟选择信号
        digit select:    数位选择
        digital select:    数字换算; 数字选择
        dimension select:    维数选择
        direct select:    直接手动选档
        direction select:    方向选择
        drama select:    精选剧集台



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  7. auto select position 什么意思
  8. auto select rotation 什么意思
  9. auto select scale 什么意思
  10. auto select xyz components 什么意思


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